Viser 81–93 av 93 resultater
OCB Kingsize Blue m/ Filter
Det er 33 rullepapir i pakken. Størrelse på rullepapiret er 110x44mm.
Smoking Master Rolls ultra slim
Measures: 4000x37mm (extra slim)
grammage: 13g/m2
made from flax
Raw Classic Rolls Papir
The RAW Classic Rolls are for those who want to choose their own size of paper.
Categories: Rullepapir
Raw Hemp Wick + Beeswax
RAW Hemp Wick helps minimize the amount you expose yourself to prolonged butane and chemical use by replacing the use of a lighter when lighting your bowl. Grown in China using traditional 1,000-year-old techniques, RAW have ensured that their hemp wick is grown meeting the most stringent sustainability criteria –
OCB Slim Virgin paper
OCB Black Premium Cigarette Papers with gumming made of natural gum arabicum and with double pullouts. With hologram on every booklet. A display box contains 25booklets a 100papers.